Die zur weltweit erfolgreichsten Single-Aisle-Familie gehörende A320neo hat am 24. November 2015 die gemeinsame Musterzulassung durch die europäische Flugsicherheitsbehörde EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) und die US-Luftfahrtbehörde FAA
Das LEAP-1A-Triebwerk des Herstellerkonsortiums CFM International hat jetzt zeitgleich die Zulassung sowohl durch die amerikanische FAA als auch die europäische EASA erhalten. Dies sei einmalig, denn bislang stellte
Der britische Billigflieger easyJet hat beim Flugzeugbauer Airbus einen Kaufvertrag für weitere 36 Flugzeuge aus der A320-Familie unterschrieben. Konkret handelt es sich um sechs A320ceo mit herkömmlichen Triebwerken
Der Aufsichtsrat der International Airlines Group (IAG) hat heute grünes Licht zur Bestellungen von 19 Flugzeugen aus dem Hause Airbus gegeben. Dabei handelt es sich um die Wahrnehmung
Synergy Aerospace Corporation, Avianca’s largest shareholder and owner of Avianca Brasil, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Airbus for 62 A320neo Family aircraft. The agreement paves the
An Asia-based airline has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Airbus for 60 A320neo Family aircraft at the Paris Airshow. The A320neo Family is the world’s best-selling
GE Capital Aviation Services (GECAS), the aviation leasing and financing arm of General Electric has announced a firm order for 60 A320neo Family aircraft including the A321neo at
Frontier Airlines, headquartered in Denver, Colorado (U.S.), has placed a firm order for 10 A321 and two A320 aircraft. All 12 aircraft are current engine option (ceo) aircraft.
Advanced LEAP-1A engines today successfully completed a four-hour, 25-minute first flight powering the new Airbus A320neo. The flight test occurred right on schedule, reinforcing the success of the
Airbus has launched the ACJneo (New Engine Option) Family with an order for an ACJ320neo from Acropolis Aviation of Farnborough, near London, which is the first to order
Following a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) announcement in February, Avianca has signed a purchase agreement for 100 A320neo Family aircraft, the largest single order ever made in Latin
The first LEAP-1A-powered A320neo rolled out of final assembly today. Next step will be ground tests leading to first flight. Until now Airbus had only two A320neo jetliners