Ryanair doubles Cologne Traffic
Ryanair announced that it will double its Cologne traffic as it launched 7 new routes, including a 4 x daily service to/from Berlin, as part of its Cologne Winter 2015/16 schedule (17 routes in total), which will deliver 2m customers p.a., and support 2,000* “on-site” jobs.
From winter 2015, Ryanair will grow in Cologne as follows:
From 1 to 3 based aircraft ($300m investment) 7 new routes: Berlin, Copenhagen, Gran Canaria, Milan, Porto, Valencia & Warsaw 17 routes in total Extra flights: London (17 x pw), Palma (4 x pw), Rome (2 x daily), Tenerife (3 x pw) 129 weekly flights 2m customers p.a.
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