Qatar Airways commences Boeing 787 Service to Vienna
Qatar Airways has introduced its Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft to the Vienna route, starting September 1, 2014. The increase in demand in the region and the airline’s steadfast commitment to the Austrian market has resulted in the introduction of the state-of-the-art Dreamliner onto the Vienna-Doha route bringing an additional capacity of 92% per week compared to the current A320.
Qatar Airways is the first airline to commence with a scheduled 787 Dreamliner service to Vienna. “After 10 years of operating to Vienna, we are delighted to introduce our flagship aircraft, the 787 Dreamliner, which will not only offer an increase in capacity to the route but will also redefine the in-flight experience of our passengers travelling to Doha and beyond,” said Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive Officer, His Excellency Mr. Akbar Al Baker.
“The first landing of the Qatar Airways Boeing 787 Dreamliner today marks a highlight in the development of Vienna Airport. With this, one of the most modern aircraft in the world is now flying a regular service to Vienna. This capacity increase of Qatar Airways strengthens the role of Vienna Airport as a gateway to the Middle East,” says Mag. Julian Jäger, Member of the Management Board of Flughafen Wien AG.
Qatar Airways has 254 seats across its 787 Business and Economy Class cabins with specially designed interiors. Business Class is configured in a 1–2–1 set-up with 22 seats, while Economy has a 232 seating capacity in a 3–3–3 layout. All seats in Business Class are fully reclinable.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays
Depart Vienna QR184 at 16:15hrs, arrive Doha at 22:35 hrs
Depart Doha QR183 at 08:35 hrs, arrive Vienna at 13:25 hrs
Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays
Depart Vienna QR182 at 11:45 hrs, arrive Doha at 18:05 hrs
Depart Doha QR181 at 01:50 hrs, arrive Vienna at 06:40 hrs
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