Embraer performs first metal cut of the E2-Jets

Embraer 175 E-2
Embraer 175 E-2 (© Embraer)

Embraer performed the first metal cut of the E-jets E2, second generation of the E-Jets family of commercial jets at its Évora plant in Portugal. The part is the wing stub forward pressure bulkhead of the first prototype of the E190-E2 jet, whose first flight is scheduled for 2016.

“The production of this first part, on schedule, is an important milestone in all aviation programs, marking the transition from the project stage to beginning the manufacturing phase of the airplanes,” said Paulo Cesar Silva, President & CEO of Embraer Commercial Aviation. “There is still a long road ahead, until it actually enters service, but we harbor no doubts as to whether we will deliver to the market the most efficient, modern and robust aircraft in this segment, as well as a very comfortable cabin for passengers.”

The pressure bulkhead is made of aviation aluminum and was manufactured at one of the advanced high-speed milling centers of the Embraer metallic structures plant in Évora. The part will now be sent to Brazil to start the first aircraft assembly.

Embraer announced the choice of Évora to install the Embraer Composites and Embraer Metallics plants, in 2008, and inaugurated them in September 2012. The final assembly of the E2 jets and the delivery process to customers will be done at Embraer’s headquarters in São José dos Campos, in the same facilities now used to produce the current generation of E-Jets.

The first delivery of an E-Jet E2 (the E190-E2) is expected for the first half of 2018. the E195-E2 is scheduled to go into service in 2019 and the E175-E2 in 2020. The E-Jets E2 program reinforces Embraer’s commitment to continuously invest in the company’s line of commercial jets and to maintain its leadership of the market in the 70 to 130-seat segment. Latest generation engines, in conjunction with new aerodynamically advanced wings, full fly-by-wire controls, and advances in other systems will result in significant improvements in fuel burn, maintenance costs, emissions, and external noise.

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