Doric adds ATR72-500 to its Portfolio
On 26 March 2015 Doric added two ATR72-500 aircraft to its asset management portfolio.
The aircraft were purchased from Finnair for a public AIF managed by Hamburg Asset Management HAM Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH (HAM) as AIFM. The fund initiator, Hamburger EmissionsHaus GmbH & Cie. KG (HEH), is a HAM shareholder specialising in regional aircraft. The aircraft are on long-term lease to Finnair. Financing was provided by NordLB.
Sibylle Pähler, Doric managing director, commented: „With the Boeing 747-8F for Cargolux, which was delivered at the beginning of March 2015, and the two ATR72s Doric now has eight different aircraft types under management.“
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