Aer Lingus Regional launches new East Midlands service

Aer Lingus Regional ATR72-500
Aer Lingus Regional ATR72-600 (© A. Pingstone PD)

Aer Lingus Regional, operated by Stobart Air, is to add a new East Midlands service to its growing Dublin route network from next February.

Air Lingus Regional expects to carry up to 70,000 customers during the first year on the new service, which will have twice daily return flights operated by the company’s brand new fleet of regional aircraft.

The launch of the new service to East Midlands Airport is part of a franchise agreement between Stobart Air and Aer Lingus. All Aer Lingus Regional flights to and from East Midlands will operate from Dublin Airport’s Terminal 2, and will connect with Aer Lingus’ transatlantic route network.

Stobart Air’s Chief Commercial Officer Simon Fagan, said the launch of the new East Midlands service was a “significant milestone” as it marked the 28th route launch for Stobart Air under the franchise agreement with Aer Lingus.

The new service will begin operations on February 4, 2015. There will be two flights per day during the week, and one daily flight at weekends. East Midlands Airport is located close to the cities of Derby, Nottingham and Leicester in the UK.

Dublin Airport

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