UIA welcomes introduction of the Open Skies at Lvov International airport
Ukraine International Airlines hail the decision of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine to support the initiative of Lvov authorities on the Open Skies` introduction at Lvov International airport. UIA aspires this step will boost air traffic development and tourist flow increase between Western Ukraine and European countries.
The introduction of the Open Skies may contribute to more efficient infrastructure management at Lvov Danylo Halytskyi International airport. It will also create employment necessary to maintain operations and handling of the carriers. However, to meet expectations, it is essential that the region not only provides favorable conditions for carriers but also generates sufficient market demand both inbound and outbound.
UIA comes forward with an initiative to launch the “Discover Ukraine!” information program designed to promote tourist and infrastructure opportunities of Lvov and Western Ukraine. UIA calls on the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Lvov Mayor`s Office, City and Regional Councils, as well as other state and municipal authorities to endorse the UIA initiative. UIA believes joint efforts only will be efficient and deliver the expected results.
“Having been operating on Lvov market for many years, we are well aware of the region`s tourist potential and the necessity of its promotion with a view to generating extra demand, – noted Yuri Miroshnikov, UIA President. – The initiative of introducing the Open Skies won`t be efficient enough without addressing the demand issue. Today the carriers underuse the existing range of flight opportunities from Lvov”.
Despite highly challenging economic and political situation in the country, UIA is the only Ukraine`s carrier that maintains its route network, expands domestic fight geography, and launches non-stop international services from the cities of Ukraine.
Within the period of Summer 2015 Schedule UIA offers residents of Western Ukraine to take advantage of non-stop international weekly services from Lvov to Tel Aviv (effective May 14), Madrid (effective June 21), Bologna (effective June 25), and Rome (effective June 27). UIA will traditionally operate up to two daily flights en route Lvov – Kiev – Lvov. Moreover, June 19 the carrier will launch non-stop double weekly scheduled service from Lvov to Odessa.
Ukraine International
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