New Routes for airBaltic in Summer
For the summer season, starting on March 29, the Latvian national airline airBaltic has introduced nine new routes and improved its schedule of flights linking the Baltic region with Europe, the Middle East, and the CIS.
Christophe Viatte, Chief Commercial Officer of airBaltic: “Due to turbulences in our Eastern markets, we have reduced our East-bound flying and therefore made aircraft capacity available for our new routes to popular and sunny cities in the Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea region.
Furthermore, we continue to strengthen our Scandinavian links to Stockholm, Gothenburg, Copenhagen and Aalborg, while introducing additional routes from Tallinn to Berlin and Vienna, and moving our westbound morning departures to earlier morning hours so that you can spend more time in such cities as Hamburg, Munich, Paris, London, Amsterdam, Zurich and Berlin”
For the summer season airBaltic will launch several new direct routes from Riga, Tallinn, Dortmund and Frankfurt. airBaltic has added Aalborg (Denmark), Heringsdorf (Usedom Island, Germany), Dubrovnik (Croatia), Thessaloniki (Greece), Rhodes (Greece) and Pisa (Italy) to the network of cities served.
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