InterSky becomes launch customer for ATR Leading Edge service

InterSky ATR72-600
InterSky ATR72-600 (© O. Pritzkow)

InterSky, the Austria-based regional carrier, and ATR have signed a 3-year agreement for a brand new exchange, repair and overhaul service for leading edges of the wing and control surface ribs.

Casting this new service, ATR adds greater flexibility to its wide range of specialist services and bespoke solutions known as the Global Maintenance Agreement (GMA), proposed by ATR to all its operators worldwide. The new Leading Edge maintenance service will help ATR customers to further increase their operational flexibility and dispatch reliability, meeting their requirements in regard to fully serviceable leading edge availability for their ATR fleet.

The leading edge exchange and repair service include replacement of the de-icer boot along with structural repair options. Complete re-skinning of wing leading edge outer surfaces may be performed, when necessary. The comprehensive spares availability at ATR certified repair shops worldwide guarantees reliable uninterrupted operations without major capital investments.

“With the launch of this new leading edge exchange, repair and overhaul service with InterSky, ATR ensures continuity of airline’s aircraft operations offering a guaranteed availability of parts and an ongoing tailor-made support,” Lilian Braylé, ATR Senior Vice President, Product Support & Services, said. “ATR will continue to collaborate fully with all our customers worldwide offering ongoing development of support techniques and technologies to suit their requirements”.

More than 300 aircraft in service are to date covered by ATR’s maintenance agreements representing over 30 per cent of total ATR fleet operating worldwide. The current number of the newest generation ATRs insured with the GMA contracts has reached 114 aircraft – 63% of total ATR-600s fleet in operation worldwide and ATR expects this number to rise steeply in the coming years.

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