Austrian Airlines inaugurates flights between Vienna and Odessa
The first flight to Odessa took off from Vienna in March 30th. Now Austrian Airlines offers four flights a week between Vienna and Odessa, namely on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Thereby, Austria’s national carrier will once again add a new destination in its focus market of Eastern Europe to its flight schedule. The flights are carried out using a Fokker aircraft.
“The Ukraine continues to be one of the most important markets for Austrian Airlines in Eastern Europe, not to mention the fact that most of these passengers transfer to other flights in our network to destinations in Western Europe, the Middle East or on North Atlantic routes”, says Austrian Airlines Chief Commercial Officer Andreas Otto. “Although the crisis has led to weakened demand over the past year, we continue to see considerable potential in this market”.
Austrian Airlines currently offers flights to three destinations in the Ukraine. With the addition of Odessa, Austria’s national carrier is increasing the number of Ukrainian destinations to four in addition to Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk and Lviv.
Route Flight number Weekday Departure – arrival (local times)
Vienna – Odessa OS619 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 10:30 am – 01:20 pm
Odessa – Vienna OS620 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 03:40 pm – 04:40 pm
Austrian Airlines
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